  • भारत सरकार
  • श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय
  • खान सुरक्षा महानिदेशालय


Renewal Letter View

Approved Renewal No :- Ren_E_4
NO: E-29021|20302|2019|Electrical(HQ) Dhanbad, Date: 13/11/2019
Director General of Mines Safety (Officiating)
Directorate General of Mines Safety,
P.O & Distt: Dhanbad - 826 016.

SHARAD KRISHNA THAKRE, Laxmi Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd., B-11/ B-16, MIDC, CHINCHOLI,
Maharashtra, Solapur, SOLPAUR, 413255


ERTL test report nos. ERTL(E)/TES/L077/0006/02-12 dated  21.03.2012


DGMS APPROVAL NO. 559 of 2007

Dear Sir

Please refer to your letter no. LHPL/QA/19-20/G-4251 dated 03.08.2019 and subsequent correspondence thereupon the above subject.\

Based on DGMS approval no. 559 of 2007 issued by this Directorate’s letter no. 493/1826/EHQ dated 03.08.2007, BIS Licence no. CM/L-7165673 and above test report under reference, I hereby renew the approval upto 03.08.2024 from the date of expiry i.e. from 03.08.2019 for use belowground in Coal Mines, subject to compliance with conditions stipulated in the original approval as well as annexure enclosed with this renewal letter.

          The application for renewal should be made at least three (03) months before the date of expiry of the approval.                                                                                     

Your Faithfully,
Director General of Mine Safety - (Officiating)
Date : 13/11/2019



          Condition for renewal of DGMS approval no. 559 of 2007 under Regulation 208 (3) of the Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 for flameproof/weatherproof foot mounted induction motor in cast iron construction rated at 55 KW, 550 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4 pole, 1440 RPM  insulation class ‘F’ in frame size 250 M manufactured by M/s. Laxmi Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd., Solapur conforming to IS/IEC 60079-0:2004 and IS/IEC 60079-1:2007 for use in belowground Coal Mines

1.       Every unit shall carry conspicuously in a permanent manner the aforesaid identification mark, i.e. ‘DGMS APPROVAL NO. 559 of 2007

          In addition, every unit shall also carry permanently this Directorate’s approval mark, as   below:

2.       (a)The design of the electrical circuit shall not be changed without obtaining prior approval from this Directorate.

          (b)Conspicuous warning inscriptions against opening the cover of the main enclosure or of any apparatus which gives access to the flameproof enclosures on live parts or which is designed to receive cable attachment unless the supply to the unit is isolated at source, shall be affixed permanently on the respective part to ensure that all live parts within the unit are made dead and safe.

3.       Spare parts shall be made readily available to the user as and when required for proper maintenance of the equipment.

4.       (a) The customer shall be supplied the copy of this approval letter, the test report from the testing laboratory with the lab certified drawing , an extract of the condition & special conditions, maintenance schedule, if any, recommended by the testing laboratory in their test report(s) so as  to maintain safety features of apparatus/equipment.

          (b) The customer shall also be provided a copy of factory test report along with drawings, instruction manual on the installation, operation and maintenance of the equipment and spares parts catalogue at the time of delivery of the equipment.

5.       The user shall furnish the performance report of the equipment directly to this Directorate after one (01) year of actual use.

6.       Any modification to the equipment that might be considered necessary at a later date shall be effected upon being so directed by this Directorate.

             7.       While seeking final approval, valid BIS license in the case of Indian manufacturers and in case of foreign manufacturers, QAR/QAN, as may be applicable shall be submitted and the same shall remain valid as long as the                 apparatus is manufactured and marketed.

8.       An officer of this Directorate may at any time draw a sample either from the factory or from the user and get it tested at the cost of the manufacturer.  If the test reports are not satisfactory, this approval shall be deemed to be suspended.

9.       If there occurs any revision of standards applicable to the product/equipment , the manufacturer shall get the product/equipment tested as per revised standards and submit test reports to the  customer  for information and to this  Directorate for further approval/renewal.

10.     The cable entry devices, threaded adaptors and stopping plugs shall be suitable for the equipment and be considered as a part of equipment (not a component).  The cable entry device and cabling methods used shall be suitable for their intended duty and for the special type of cable used in mining.  Such cable entry devices shall be duly certified as per relevant IS/IEC standards.

11.     In case of aluminium die-cast rotor of the motor, the rotor shall not be dismantled, assembled or kept exposed in the explosive gassy atmospheres to prevent incendive sparking.  A caution plate “Aluminium Die-Cast Rotor: Not to be dismantled, assembled or kept exposed in explosive gas atmosphere” shall be provided at conspicuous place without affecting flameproof features of the motor, indicating that the motor is having aluminium die-cast rotor. Operation & maintenance manual of the motor shall also indicate the danger for aluminium die cast rotor due to incendive sparking.

12.     The approval of the subject equipment is with regard to Ex standards mentioned herein.  Other relevant standards applicable for assessment of its electrical parameters required under type test have not been taken into consideration.

13.     All circulars/general approvals issued by DGMS from time to time, relevant to the equipment shall also be complied with.

14.    In case of any permissible variations issued from this Directorate, they shall also be read along with this letter and the original approval letter.

15.     The approval is renewed upto 03.08.2024 from the date of expiry i.e. from 03.08.2019.

16.     The equipment manufactured subsequently shall be identical to the proto type tested at ERTL vide test report no. ERTL(E)/TES/L077/0006/02-12 dated  21.03.2012

17.     At the time of applying for renewal, details of supply with name of mines, purchase order and date shall be furnished with the application.

18.     If at any time any of the conditions subject to which this approval has been granted, is violated or not complied with, this approval shall be deemed to have been revoked with immediate effect.

19.     The above approval may be amended or withdrawn at any time, if considered so necessary in the interest of safety and is being issued without prejudice to any other provisions of law which may be or may become applicable at any time.

Director General of Mine Safety - (Officiating)
Date : 13/11/2019